I created a 2024 pivot table according to the Tiller help article on how to do so. But for some reason, the category totals on the pivot table don’t match up with the same category totals on using the Category Tracker. I double checked that I’ve got the start/end dates set to include all of 2024. So I’m not sure why the totals are different.
Is it possible that transfers (which are often filtered out of Tiller templates) are causing an issue?
No, it’s not transfers. I have them all categorized as transfers and not included in either the pivot table or the category tracker.
Are you using Excel or Sheets?
Can you provide a screenshot of just the Sheets Pivot Table Editor or Excel Pivot Table Fields panel found on the right had side of the screen?
Ah, thank you for your question because as soon as I went to take the screenshot, I saw that the data range for the pivot table was not including all the rows. That’ll do it! Problem solved. Thanks again.
Just specifying the columns for pivot table data range will ensure you’re always getting all rows.
Perfect, thanks for the tip!