Any Looker Studio Users?

Has anyone tried out Locker Studio with Tiller?

I’m playing around with it now but I’m at the very basic level. It seems pretty capable but not as complex as Power BI. I’ve never completed anything useful in Power BI either.

Just curious if anyone is using Locker with Tiller and what they think about it. Has it been useful?

Do you mean Looker Studio by Google? Otherwise I haven’t heard of Locker Studio - I’d love to know more about what it can add to your Tiller workflows?

Yes, the Google analysis tool that shows up in Google Sheets Extensions menu. I think it is used for data analysis and creating dashboards similar to PowerBI. It seems simpler than PowerBI but it seems very focused on google analytics (advertising and such). I was able to create a couple of basic widgets but not good enough to do anything really useful yet.

I’ll keep on playing around with it but any progress I make will probably be too simple to do anything useful related to Tiller. We’ll see. :wink:

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