I primarily use this program for tracking expenses only. I would like to know if there are any of the following spreadsheets already created -
A yearly spreadsheet that displays the sum of each category on a monthly basis. I would like this to easily see any changes in the categories.
A yearly spreadsheet for each category divided by months
A spreadsheet that compares year to year expenses by category.
When I was manually tracking our expenses I created these speadsheets manually and it would be great if I can continue with this information and have it be done through this program.
Thank you in advance
All of that data will auto-populate. In Tiller, any of the soft green boxes normally mean “edit me manually by typing something in, or by choosing a dropdown.”
If you aren’t seeing any data below it, you probably need to change the year, or some of the other green dropdowns.
Something else that I use regularly that sounds like it might be helpful for you is the Live Profit & Loss sheet. That is also available in Tiller Community Solutions.
Yes i agree with @m00 the Live Profit and Loss sheet would be a good one for you to check out.
Year over year comparison there is the comparison report that @martha.rudkin mentioned that would be great, you can specify any time period to compare it with any other time period.