I’ve reviewed several topics, and might have overlooked it, but does the software auto calculate each category, by month? Once they are all tagged properly, should I be able to go to the Category tab and see the months, calculated?
Hi Alishia,
The Category tab is where you set your monthly budget amounts.
Once you assign a Category to a Transaction, it will self-populate through many of the sheets. You should look for tabs for Monthly Budget, Yearly Budget, Monthly Analysis, Year to Date, and Yearly Insights to name a few.
I don’t remember which of these are part of the initial Tiller sheet collection, but any of the ones you don’t see should be available through the Tiller Money Feeds and Tiller Community Solutions extensions.
Hi Alishia,
Welcome to Tiller! The Category tab is where you set your budgets by the month and year. When your transactions come in you will categorize them into the appropriate category. Once this is done you will see the Monthly Budget tab and Yearly Budget tab automatically populated and calculated.
Here is a good place to start if you haven’t already: