Budgets and xlfn anchorarray

My monthly budget view and a few other custom tabs I created are not working. I am wondering if it has to do with the xlfn.anchorarray. There is a month and date drop down on the monthly budget tab. The list of years and months is not working. When I look at the validation for that cell, if refers to “=_xlfn.ANCHORARRAY($K$20)” as a list-validation. I am not sure where that anchorarray is located, but I am wondering if it is missing from my foundation template. Any ideas?


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Hi @dlohmar777 perhaps writing into support could be more helpful here as it may require screenshots to troubleshoot better. But are all your transactions categorized and you’re looking at the right date range in the Budget tab for e.g.?

Hi @dlohmar777 Dan,

Is your issue resolved or are you still experiencing the issue with the years and months?

I suspect you’re using a long-term Excel license (that gets outdated and doesn’t have newer functions), instead of the officially supported Microsoft 365 :thinking:

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My personal subscription to Microsoft office did expire and I’ve been using a multi-person business subscription. Do you think that may be the culprit? Thank you for responding.

Probably so. You could try putting a copy into your OneDrive root and attempt to use it via web browser (i.e. Excel Online). It does have less capability than MS365, but maybe it would work for your use case.

But really your best experience will be with MS365 or Google Sheets.


Mark. That was all it took. I put my Tiller Foundations Template in my OneDrive folder (where I have an active subscription) and all the tabs work. Thank you.


Great to note for other users under similar subscriptions. Thanks @Mark.S .