Cash flow forecast - post retirement income expenses

Hi @nuye,
You can certainly use the Cash Flow Forecast report to do what you are looking for.

In addition to watching the Builder’s Workshop, you might review the Documentation post here, if you haven’t already done so:

If there is a specific income or expense category you want to adjust in the future, you can create a Life Event with the same category name, and set the year it starts and ends and the different amount. If the income stream goes away, the amount would be 0. These life events can also have a growth rate in column I.

Any changes on the Cash Flow forecast will feed into the retirement sheet. The net cash flow will be treated as a positive or negative change in your retirement assets.

I’m not fully clear on what you are asking in the last part. But, if you want to make changes to your income or expenses based on this Cash Flow amount, you would likely need to make those changes manually as Life Events, which of course would then also affect your yearly cash flow, which would then affect the amount you wanted to change and it keeps cycling around. The sheet doesn’t allow for this type of recursion, which may or may not be what you are asking about.
