Convert from Google to Microsoft 365

We currently have a Google Business account that my Tiller spreadsheet is on. Google is yet again increasing pricing and my husband is considering moving our family accounts to Microsoft 365. I searched the posts for any tips on converting but they are all several years old. So, my question is, has anyone recently converted from Sheets to Excel (365 online) and how was the process? Are there any features that still haven’t been included in Excel that are in Sheets? Also, how do you get your sheets file converted properly to Excel (I saw some had issues in the past).

Maryanne Presley

While i havent tried converting from Sheets to Excel, an other option woudl be to open a free gmail / sheets account to continue using. Then you only need to share the existing sheet with your new account. Just a thought.

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I have considered that. It is just convenient to have everything in one place.

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@mpresley410 the suggestion is to migrate your data and some core sheets; Transactions, Categories, Balance History. Migrate your financial data between spreadsheets | Tiller Help Center