Costco transaction history

Is there a way to download Costco warehouse transaction history?

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It sure does not look like it. But, you might contact Costco Customer Service and ask them.

In the website, it you go to “Orders & Returns” and then click to “In-Warehouse” it shows each of your visits, with date, time, location and cost. Clicking on “View Receipt” allows you to download an itemized receipt. This isn’t something that could easily be imported into Tiller, but it does provide all the information if you’re willing to spend the time processing it…


/r/Costco/comments/10r0thr/download_purchase_history someone posted here that costco can provide a pdf report, would need to import to excel

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Can you clarify here :point_up: @twobrain ?

Someone commented that if you contact Costco customer service, Costco will send you an itemized transaction history.

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Nice tip, thanks for sharing!