🏆 Credit Card Settings Sheet for Google Sheets

The auto-pay field is mainly used as a way to provide a visual cue on my Upcoming Expenses Dashboard that action might need to be taken on an expense. There’s no way to enter any rules around the auto-pay, as that can vary widely and accounting for every scenario would be troublesome.

A friend of mine that I provided this solution to has the same setup with one of his cards. He opened the card with 0% interest to transfer some debt onto, and makes structured payments to the card in order to pay it off in time. This is what works best for him with my solution:

Do not set up the credit card on this sheet like you do with other credit cards. Since this is a is a set expense amount you need to pay monthly, set it up as a recurring expense on my Recurring Expense Entry sheet with the amount you plan to pay each month. Then, it will display on the dashboard as an expense needing paid, just like your phone bill. Once you pay it, mark the transaction using the expense tag, and it will disappear.

So say this Chase card was your 0% interest card

Remove those values from this sheet, and enter it into Recurring Expenses like this:

Then on the dashboard, instead of the credit card statement balance showing up:

It will just be the recurring expense balance you set:

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