Navy Federal Credit card transactions not updating

Hello, I’ve been trying to get my credit card transactions to load for the past 18 days. My feed for this account hasn’t refreshed since then. I’ve looked at similar posts and followed the instructions given there…however, no luck. All my other accounts with the same bank are loading transactions except for this…not sure what the problem could be… :upside_down_face:

My balance updates, but transactions don’t pull in. This is for a Navy Federal Credit Union Visa card.

I have been having the same issue with the exact same account. All of my transactions are through my credit card and I pay it off so if it’s not working then it makes this platform entirely pointless for use. Have you found any solutions so far? What methods have you used unsuccessfully? I have even attempted to delete the account and re-add it while creating a new spreadsheet to import the last 3 months of transactions and it still pulled back the exact duplicate transactions minus everything I have been missing. It seems to be an error on the server side.

I did the same - deleting and adding the same account. There is no update on when this issue will be fixed. In the interim, I got this advice from the help desk: How to Manually Import Your Bank Data | Tiller Help Center

TLDR: Export your credit card transactions from NFCU as a CSV - copy and paste to your transactions sheet. It works for now.

I am having an issue with certain transactions from my Southwest credit card not appearing no matter how many times I “fill in”. I checked the filters, refreshed the accounts, made sure accounts are connected, and read all of the articles. No luck!

I’m sure a bunch of different credit cards are affected by this. Tiller is working with their data provider to rectify the situation. Copying and pasting CSV data from your account makes it a bit easier while they try to find a solution.

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I ended up using my transactions and just exported and imported the csv. Is doing it straight from NFCU intuitive or will I need to edit the data columns like the link you wrote stated? With mint I just import and autocat works for most items but it all just plugs into tiller with no editing issues

Had the same issue with NuVison Cr. Union. Found out that part of the problem is that some banks while, ARE listed as part of Yodlee’s network are NOT → "full support’ financial institutions.

Yodlee is ‘Tiller’s aggregation partner’. When I signed up for Tiller I looked for my bank in the list of supported banks. I found it but did not understand what ‘Limited support’ meant. (No way to really understand that [vague] term unless you try it… and experience the bug bites)

SO - After similar frustration(s) with lack of feed because of refresh issues I contacted Heather. She explained & sent me the following link which will explain more. (But really does not solve the problem)…(yet)

Another aspect of my issue was that it took NuVision 3 DAYS to phone me a verification code!!! THREE DAYS!!! when I was trying to refresh a daily feed.

THEN it took me TWO more days to reach a customer support HUMAN at the bank to ask why the feed took so long (and why they couldn’t answer a phone call). He had no clue what Tiller was/is so I explained and then elaborated on my issue with Tiller - SO he set up his own trial Tiller Acct right then and there & the feed didn’t work for him either.

SO - he passed the issue to the bank’s IT dept and they scratched their heads. A few days later I tried the refresh/feed thing again and it only took 3 minutes so we do have progress. AND, while that bank has abysmal human phone connection support they are working on fixing that (I guess). (I hope) because I really don’t want to have to find a new bank.

*** This is a circular problem… not enough customers from ‘limited support banks’ use Tiller/Yodlee because there is limited support.

My suggestion is to have YOUR financial institution get with Yodlee & work something out. Mine did (I guess) and now it only takes 3 MINUTES to get a verification code for refreshing. Baby steps, but steps.

GO HERE to find out if your financial Institution is ‘full support’ or Limited Support:

And - note to Tiller - please ask Yodlee to ‘up’ its support for ‘limited’ service financial insts. It’s in your interests to have more (happy) paying customers who are helping you develop a dynamic app :slight_smile:

It doesn’t sound like we have the same issue. My transactions for all my other navy federal credit union accounts have been refreshed daily. My balance sheet updates my credit card balance properly - however, it doesn’t pull in the transaction feed.

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Just an update but it seems Credit Card transactions are back up and running with Navy Fed. Thats the good news. Bad news is now I have a ton of duplicates from going the mint csv route for last months downtime