CSV Import and Mapping: What's the Cleanest Solution?

I noticed there’s a community created tool available for importing CSV files from “unsupported” data sources. I’m wondering what CSV format is actually supported? I’m exporting CSV format out of a program called Moneyspire, but it doesn’t allow any configuration of the export files it creates.
On the other hand, I’m able to open the CSVs in Numbers and rearrange the columns. So I guess I need some advice on the simplest and most bulletproof workflow that will get me from Moneyspire CSV to my Google Sheet. I presume that will be something more elegant than simply cutting and pasting from one program to another. Thanks!

Hi Bill,

In case you have not already seen this resent post on the csv topic, I am sharing it below:


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As noted in the thread that @Clint.C shared, this solution: Simple CSV Import Workflow (for Unsupported Data Sources) is pretty flexible. It’s a little more of an advance setup because it requires adding AppsScript to your Google Sheet, but it’s the workflow I personally use if I have an unsupported account.