Cool, making a mental note to do this soon… likely next week, crazy busy at work lately. Thanks for updating!
No rush but let us know when you get a chance to peek at it, @diogo6.
Hello, this template us great and love how simple it is to use. To start I was just using the manually entered account information section of the sheet and has entered several lines but the chart still only shows a total line not lines on the chart by manual account in addition to the total line. Is there a reason for that? Thanks.
Hi @EVS thanks for reaching out. I see what you mean, I’m going to dive in and see if we need to push a fix.
Actually I think you should just be able to open the chart editor, edit your data range to be as far down as you have manual accounts (ex: L8:BC56 should work) then click on one of the accounts under series, to change it select an account from your Manual Accounts section.
Does this help?
I was able to easily install this without any issues. Thank you. I’m wondering what the formula is behind the calculations to generate the future value? The calculation seems a little optimistic? If I run $5,500/month contribution for an account with a PV of 1 dollar and a RoR of 7% until 2034 the result is $4,146,112 in the Simple Investment Calculator. If I plug these same numbers into excel using the formula FV=(Rate of Return, Years of Saving, -Yearly Contribution), the result is $1,041,718
Did I setup the Simple Investment Calculator wrong?
So weird thing is that the drop down for accounts shows more accounts than are in BD12:B. (Incidentally, the drop down should be BD12:BD not BD12:BF).
The account list in BD only shows asset accounts and only those unhidden. In the drop down to select account in A, I’m seeing all.
(Also, not seeing any filter on your page to only show assets and not liabilities, which should be in place.)
I’m seeing different results in the list of accounts in BD based on the “hide” filter.
I tried = “Hide”, I tried <> “Hide” and I tried <> “Hgide” and I got different results.
It’s possible that if an account is being overwritten over in Column A on Accounts, something happens to it.
Thanks for the suggestions, @yossiea. I bumped the version to 1.03 and fixed the dropdown validation to use the range BD12:BD
and also filter on only Asset
accounts (thought I’m already wondering if that should be !=Liability
@BorderlineFarm I used the formula in Google Sheets for future value (FV = rate, number of periods, payment amount, present value, end or beginning) and it’s modified for a monthly rate and contribution at the end of the month.
It’s also modified to only calculate the remaining few months of 2023. Were you also applying the rate an contributions for a monthly calculation in Excel?
When I try to add the sheet it doesn’t allow me. I get the message “Your spreadsheet already contains a sheet with a name, Accounts, that will conflict with this solution.”
Is the Accounts sheet that’s already in your spreadsheet the Tiller default Accounts sheet? Looks like this and might be hidden (Click View menu > hidden sheets to unhide)
Hi there - Question for you. Is it possible to have a START YEAR for a future account? In addition, is it possible to break down specific time periods for when monthly contributions are made? Thanks!
Not without changing some formulas in the sheet as it is. If you look in column H and J you can see the future value formula used (FV = rate, number of periods, payment amount, present value, end or beginning) but we’ve also added more to it to calculate the current year partially based on the current month.
Can you please share some example numbers of what you’re trying to do? I’ll see if I can modify the formula accordingly. (ex. starting balance 0 and monthly contributions of x starting Jan 2025?)
You can change if your contributions are at the beginning or the end of the month by switching the 0 at then end of the formula to a 1.
You can change the frequency of payments with the first operation in the formula (G14/12), that “/12” is making the payments “monthly” amounts. If you do two payments per month, one per year, one every month, etc. you can replace the “/12” to the frequency that applies to you, per year.
Thanks for the reply. Yes, that’s exactly what I’m trying to do “starting balance 0 and monthly contributions of x starting Jan 2025?”. If I can figure that out, then I think I should be able to do the rest
Thanks for waiting here. I dug in a bit to see how this could be done. I believe it would require that you add a new column altogether for the contribution start date, and I don’t see a very graceful way to do that in this template since all of the formulas are a bit complex already.
Would love to try this for excel
Yes. The Accounts sheet that I have is the Tiller default Accounts sheet. Doesn’t everyone have this sheet?
For the most part, yes. But there are some Tiller customers that feed data into their own templates.
Can you double check that your Accounts sheet has not been renamed to something else?
No it is named Accounts. Why does it interfere with the Simple Investment Calculator sheet and what can I do to be able to install it?
To ask again, is there a way I can install the Simple Investment Calculator despite this message: “Your spreadsheet already contains a sheet with a name, Accounts, that will conflict with this solution.”