Estimated Quarterly Taxes Template - UPDATED

I have a question about the Estimated Quarterly Taxes template from Tiller Community Solutions.
Is there a 2023 update available?

Yea when you update the Estimated Quarterly Taxes template, 2023 is not an option. Any fix?

@drdon1996 and @Focal.Flash.Media - @randy pushed an update to the template last night to including the 2023 dates and rates. You’ll want to “update” your estimated tax sheet using the Tiller Community Solutions add-on. I’d recommend that you archive existing rather than overwrite existing so you don’t lose any customizations that you made for 2022 that you may want to copy over to the 2023 version.

Note that we include the updated tax rates based on researching online (Google search) but we’re not tax professionals so keep in mind that there is no guarantee on the accuracy of the updated rates.

As @heather mentioned, I updated the templates with 2023 tax information last night.

Please take a moment to unhide the hidden area of the v1.06 template at right and validate the IRS data— especially M32-M36 and K38-P46— to ensure best-effort data-entry mistakes by me :sweat_smile: don’t derail your estimated payments. Let me know if you see anything amiss.