How do I list the details from Transactions filtered by 3 filters - Expense, Month,Year?

Purpose: To look at the detail why an Expense is too high. It would show if I should adjust my Expense or was it a one time event.

On my dashboard I want to select an expense (using validated drop down) and selected month and year (using validated drop downs). Then by searching the Transactions I will copy the line to another sheet.
I get stuck finding the 1) correct line then 2) copying the line below the last item. It will look like this:

Expense _____ Month ____ Year_____

Transaction 1
Transaction 2
Transaction 3
… by the three filters (expense, month, year)
I am using google sheets.
Thank you for the suggestions, John

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Look at my query from this post. I think this might serve your purpose. Let me know. Blake