How many days back do the different banks import? and most streamlined way to *manually* import old transactions?

I dont update/fill my sheets every month with transactions and Im just wondering how far back the banks are currently filling?

Specifically, Chase, Cap One, Synchrony, Discover

Also, I’m going to need to manually import several accounts and wondering if anyone has any tips or tricks? Last time I did it manually a year ago it was very tedious following the instructions on Tiller


Also, I’m going to need to manually import several accounts and wondering if anyone has any tips or tricks? Last time I did it manually a year ago it was very tedious following the instructions on Tiller

My preferred approach is to import the CSV, massage the column order to match my Tiller Transactions sheet, and then copy and paste into my tiller Transactions sheet as values.


I copied and pasted the transaction into the workbook but they don’t change my other workbooks

If you are using multiple spreadsheets, @calvinsears, imported transactions will only work within the one where they have been added to the Transactions sheet. There is no inter-spreadsheet connectivity.