How to Hide an Account from Reports in the Monthly Budget View?

Greetings, thank you for taking a look, I greatly appreciate any responses.

On the Legacy version of Tiller for Google Sheets, there was an Accounts tab with a hide column.
Hiding an account allowed the data to be tracked, and only appear in reports when un-hidden, which could be done on-demand.

Now that I was forced to migrate to the New Foundation Template, the Net Worth and Insights tabs throws off all of the numbers. For my mortgage account, if I have a liability of $100k remaining on the mortage, but $20k in assets, my net worth is now -$80k. It was very nice to not have a mortgage override every single page by just hiding the account.

Does anyone know how to hide an account from reports in the New Foundation Template?
Thank you again.

The first 4 columns on the Accounts sheet are “Account”, “Class Override”, “Group” and “Hide”. You should setup each of the accounts you’d like to appear in your “Balances” sheet, using “Group” to determine how to group them together (eg. ‘Credit Cards’, ‘Property’, ‘Investment’, etc), and you can use “Hide” to prevent accounts from showing up there, and in other locations as well I believe.

Thank you for your response. I really don’t have an Accounts tab/sheet unfortunately.
I was forced to moved to the new Foundation Template for Budgeting, which does not appear to have an Accounts Sheets.

I have as tabs/sheets on the bottom row of my Monthly Budget View:

  1. Insights
  2. Monthly Budget
  3. Net Worth (Added from Tiller Community Extension)
  4. AutoCat
  5. Transactions
  6. Categories
  7. Yearly Budget
  8. Balances
  9. Help
  10. Install Help

Is there a way to add the Accounts sheet?
Thank you again.

I figured it out,
Had to go to Extensions > Tiller Money Feeds > Settings > Templates > Adds > Restore Template.

Now it appears and I can perform the class overrides and hiding. Thanks!

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In the Foundation Template, the Accounts sheet is typically hidden. Is it possible it was there all along, @QuackMasterDan?

How in the world are you guys hiding your account from Monthly budget temporarily?? When I hide my account, the only thing affected is the Balances sheet. An absolute annoyance for me.