Is there a way to change insights to display top 20? + Bonus Question

I am trying to change the insights template from showing 10 top statistics to top 20. Any idea how I can do this?

I am also trying to find a way to see a list of my transactions by category by month.
So for example, I would like a simple way to see all transactions from November with x category and date and see total. I know I can just filter the main transactions tab but wondering if there was a template for something like this.

Welcome. I can’t help you with your first question, but somebody with more coding knowledge might be able to help out. For your second question, I’d recommend the Transaction Tracker sheet (if you’re using Google Sheets; not sure what might be available on Excel).

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Thank you, the transaction tracker is exactly what I was looking for.

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Hi @thepatel15 - You could expand to show top 20 by just changing the “limit 10” to “limit 20” in each of the four query formulas. These query formulas are contained in the cells that have the “Date” heading ex. B33. You will need to insert 10 additional rows under the inflows and outflows panes to allow it to have a place to populate/display the additional items. I didn’t seem to need to add any rows for the bottom two panes but there needs to be enough rows under there also.