Is there a way to go back further than 3 months?

Just wondering how far we can go back and pull data from an account? Since I just started with this, it’s great to see the last 3 months, but I need to go way back further.



Upon initial set up, you get just three months. If you want more, you will need to manually add them by doing the following:

  1. access your online account at the bank and export your transaction data out to a file.
  2. you can go back in time as far as your bank has data available…might be two years.
  3. copy/paste the applicable data from the exported file into the transactions tab .
  4. this will get your income and expenses into your transaction sheet but not the account balances.
  5. to get the account balances into your sheet, you will need to copy/paste them into the balance history tab.

This is a very general and brief explanation that leaves out many of the details but it should get you started in the right direction.


Thanks for the help. That is going to be an incredible amount of work for every account. Appreciate it though.

Hi @Billdemart,

We’ve got the steps documented here in detail here:



@Billdemart - I have a proposition for you. Select a couple of your accounts and add them manually. See how long it takes. I think you may find it takes less time than you think. You are not typing in the data manually. Basically, you are doing a lot of copy/pasting. There is not much time difference between copy/pasting 50 rows versus 500 rows. I think you might find the benefit is worth more than the time expended. Like most users, I think you already realize the value of having more than three months of data. Please give it a try and let the community know how it goes. Like most things in life, “no pain, no gain”.


Thanks @heather, I had seen that help article before but I could not find it for the life of me when I made the post.

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I don’t have a “balances history” tab. Just the main “Balances” tab. Was this an add-on?

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I believe every sheet has a balance history. I think the default setting is to have it hidden. Go to the lower left corner of your screen and click on the symbol which looks like 4 horizontal lines, it is to the right of the + symbol.


That’s right, @blake. The Balance History is a staple of Tiller spreadsheets. It is hidden usually, but can be easily and permanently unhidden.

The Balances template is a derivative summary dashboard of the data in Balances History.


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Thanks all will give this a shot!

So I’m in the process of doing this… Believe it or not Bank of America does NOT allow you to export data from your credit card transactions all at once. You have to do it month by month. AND it only goes back 12 months, so it only allows me to pull starting at March 2019.

This was helpful! My bank’s CSV has two columns for the amounts - one for debits and the other for credits, so the amounts are not all in the same column. Is there an easy fix to reformat this? Thanks!

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Multiple by -1 and bring in manually.

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Yes, here is some content:

You need to know the location (letter) of two columns for the formula below 1) the transaction type (credit/debit) - this is F in the formula 2) Amount - this is E in the formula

You should do these steps in a Google Sheet version of the CSV from your bank.

  1. Create a new column to left of your CSV’s Amount column in the prep CSV
  2. Create another column for a formula (e.g. “Amount Formula”)
  3. Create a third column for the values generated by the formula (e.g. Corrected Amount).
  4. Type the formula =if(F2="credit",E2,-E2) into the first empty cell in the “Amount formula” column. Take note that the cells referenced in the formula may be different in your sheet depending on how they’re ordered.
  5. Use the quick fill method to quickly fill the rest of the cells with the correctly formatted amount data. Note: hover your mouse in the lower right corner of the cell, click the blue square that appears, and drag the formula down to the bottom of your sheet to quickly fill in the correct amount for all the cells.

The formula essential looks for the value in the “Transaction Type” column, in the formula this is column F. If it’s a credit (or income) then the Amount remains a positive number, if it’s not then it assigns a minus sign to notate it as a debit (or expense). If your CSV isn’t using credit/debit but some other term, update the formula appropriately

Next, finalize the amount data

  1. Select all the data in the “Formula Amount” column
  2. Right click and choose copy
  3. Highlight the top empty cell in the “Corrected Amount” column
  4. Right click and choose “Paste special > Values only” from the Edit menu.
  5. Delete the original Amount column and “Transaction Type”, and “Formula Amount” columns since they’re no longer needed.
  6. Select the entire “Amount” column and change the number format to currency, using the “Number > Currency” option in the Format menu.

The values in the “Corrected Amount” column should be the ones you use for the Amount column in the Transactions sheet in your Tiller Money powered spreadsheet so be sure the column order still matches up after these steps.

Hopefully you can follow all that! :slight_smile:


There has not been an update since 2021 to allow this to be an automated process using Tiller Money Feeds has there?

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