Tiller used to pull both my vested and unvested stocks from Fidelity. Since, February it stopped doing that. I have highlighted this issue with the Tiller support and all I keep getting back is a standard copy paste email asking me “refresh my credentials” every week or so - it is extremely annoying and frustrating level of support I am getting from Tiller.
Does anyone have any suggestion or has experienced this issue before?
Tiller only pulls what Yodlee, its data provider, provides, so I’m guessing this is an issue with what Yodlee is pulling from Fidelity, which, in turn, could be an issue with what Fidelity is making accessible to Yodlee. In other words, there are a bunch of steps involved before it gets to Tiller. The best bet for it being fixed is with Tiller asking Yodlee to look into it. Sounds like they’ve done that, but my sense is that Yodlee is more interested in and/or more capable of fixing some things than other things. Sorry that this is happening.
I understand but it used to work and then it stopped. At the end of the day, it is a paid service provided by Tiller to the end users and so they should be responsible for all its data partners.
Not to mention the annoyance the support folks cause by simply copy pasting “refresh your credentials” steps every week. Seems like they do it just to meet some internal KPI of keeping a ticket alive.
I suspect they actually do it because Yodlee doesn’t necessarily notify them if something has been fixed (or Yodlee may not even know if something is fixed). So, refreshing your credentials may be the only way you’d ever know if it was fixed. I get your frustration, and Tiller might prorate a refund for you for the rest of your subscription if the issue makes Tiller unusable for you.