I’d like to reach Tiller Support, but can’t find the chat link as described here: What kind of customer support does Tiller offer? | Tiller Help Center. Where can I find the chat bot link?
Bottom-right corner of the Tiller console.
Hi Mark. I’m not seeing something that looks like a chat link at that location on the Tiller console.
OK, I see it on my iPad, but not on my PC.
Weird that it’s not visible on my PC in Chrome, Edge, or DuckDuckGo. I do see that in my iPad and the Bot answered my question. Thanks for your reply! Since you were not aware of a problem, I realized it was not a known issue and I might find the link through a different computer. It doesn’t appear to be a Windows issue, because I can also see the link on my SurfacePro. Just not my main PC. Possibly a setting that I’m not aware of.
That’s odd. Have you tried an incognito browser window? Then it would be a fresh window and presumably no extensions interacting.
I just tried incognito in Edge and Chrome. No joy. Strange.
Yep. Version matches yours and I’ve rebooted several times.
Just pinged @heather to see if there is a known compatibility issue…
Thanks for letting us know about the behavior you’re running into. Usually this is due to some computer/network/browser specific setting/extension/config.
Will you please review these suggestions? We recommend trying one a time to figure which one of them works.
- If you’re using a VPN, try logging off and then try logging into Tiller again. Whitelisting the site within your VPN settings may be an option, but we’ve definitely seen success with customers who simply log off the VPN completely.
- Try using a different browser. We recommend Chrome for the best experience, but if you’re seeing it Chrome, try again in Firefox, Safari, or another browser.
- Try using an incognito browser session.
- Disable all extensions and plugins including privacy shields, cookie blockers, ad blockers, and pop up blockers you have enabled in your browser. We recommend turning off all of them and then try logging in. If the login is successful, turn them on one by one to figure out which one is causing the issue. We know Privacy Badger browser specifically can cause issues when trying to add some institutions.
- Make sure Tiller is added to any privacy shield settings you might have turned on at the browser and computer level.
- Be sure you have enabled 3rd party cookies for Tiller.
- Double check that your network configuration (e.g., Pi-hole) or advanced security settings allow you to access Tiller.
- Clear your browser’s data including cookies, history, and cached content.
If one of the above tips solves it for you, will you share what worked?
The problem I was having accessing the chat bot is definitely associated with my VPN. I use Netgear Armor powered by Bitdefender. It’s one of several layers of protection on my computer. I first tried 2,3,5,6,7, and 8. None of them revealed the chat bot link. I dreaded doing 4 because of the security layers. It’s hard to know all the places my security has its hooks planted, partly because various programs I use offer security options and each one wants to be the one and only. I try to avoid having different programs do the same things and I do think layers of security are good because some do things that others don’t. But it’s a lot to keep track of.
Anyway, Netgear is my go-to since it comes with both my modem and my router. I turned off all tracking, blockers, etc. as you suggested and turned them back on one at a time. It is the VPN. I thought I tried that earlier and had no luck. Not sure what happened there. But it is consistent now – VPN on, no link; VPN off, I see the link.
-Dave Lamb
Thanks for the update, @david.lamb - you may be able to add an exception in your VPN’s settings for the chat (though you’d probably have to look in the developer tools console to see what the specific of the exception needs to be (e.g. intercom something…) so that you don’t have to turn it completely off.