Mobile App for Tiller Budget Template

Yes. I am using foundation template. Tried your suggestion but not working.

Sorry that you’re having so much trouble getting it to work. I’d suggest making a new copy of the AppSheet app and following my instructions again, including the extra steps I just posted. At this point I can’t really help you unless you give me more specific details. Good luck!

This app looks amazing. I did have it working with the sample data, but in trying to configure it with the Foundation Template, I ran into issues. So I decided to delete the AppSheet App and start from the beginning. Now when I copy the AppSheet Template, it gives this error:

“The TillerBudget-1438804 app did not load successfully. Please contact the app creator.
Unable to fetch app definition. App ‘b0a6a5f0-c7f5-4edb-a916-928a83e7d0f2’ is not runnable — please contact the app creator.”

In the columns tab, it’s also reporting these issues:

"Column Name ‘Element_For_Related Transactions’ in Schema ‘Categories_Schema’ refers to ReferencedTableName ‘Transactions’. That Table or Slice uses RowNumber as a key which is not a stable key.

Column Name ‘Element_For_Related Budgets’ in Schema ‘Categories_Schema’ refers to ReferencedTableName ‘Budget’. That Table or Slice uses RowNumber as a key which is not a stable key.

Column Name ‘Element_For_Related Transactions’ in Schema ‘Accounts_Schema’ refers to ReferencedTableName ‘Transactions’. That Table or Slice uses RowNumber as a key which is not a stable key."

Any ideas on what might cause the app to not load?

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Got the same error when I tried to use it. I think the creator need to reprogram the app to use Foundation template.

I thought the same thing - but I get the same error even when copying the App and attempting to use the sample data or the budget template.

I was just about to come post with the same question/error. I created a brand new spreadsheet with the original Tiller envelope budget template, and got those same errors. It won’t let me include a screenshot because I just created an account for Tiller Community.

I have the same message…

I have adapted this solution to the foundation template.

I had to go thru and regenerate structure and save a few times on individual tables to get a few errors to go away.

The most cantankerous part of this was the ‘budget’ tab in the app. I pointed this to ‘monthly budget’ in the foundation template. This required that I rename several columns in the budget columns’ set. To ID the correct column required using ‘View Data’ and counting down the list. Call the ‘bad’ one ‘name’_OLD and then rename the good one to the old one’s name. This leaves you with a column named [Rollover] that is vestigial. Several errors will crop up if you don’t have a [Rollover] column, so you’ll either need to address the errors or create an empty [rollover] column.

The ‘Budget’ tab doesn’t lay out the columns correctly even though the data look good. I don’t see in Appsheet how to deal with the column width in the phone view.

I also got this working thanks to @jdees 's tip, but I’m still playing around with it. I got stuck for the longest time on the error and the inability to properly regenerate the table with the proper columns.

@nikelle.dawn @christina.bennani - Appsheet doesn’t seem to like the Insights Tab or the Monthly Budget tab in the Foundation Template. I’m guessing it’s because of the merged cells at the top and it’s not able to read the column headers. I was able to get rid of the error when creating a new sheet and referencing the Monthly Budget tab starting at line 14

@jdees - to adjust columns on the Budget phone view, try UX -> Views Tab -> Filtered Categories -> View Options

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I’m not using the foundation template, I’m using the original Tiller Budget template, as listed at the beginning of the post by @richardpeng . Were you only able to find a solution for the Foundation Template?

I’m getting the same errors you listed:

Column Name ‘Element_For_Related Transactions’ in Schema ‘Accounts_Schema’ refers to ReferencedTableName ‘Transactions’. That Table or Slice uses RowNumber as a key which is not a stable key.MORE INFO

and this one twice:

Column Name ‘Element_For_Related Transactions’ in Schema ‘Categories_Schema’ refers to ReferencedTableName ‘Transactions’. That Table or Slice uses RowNumber as a key which is not a stable key.MORE INFO

I’m thinking you may need to regenerate the structure of the Accounts and Categories tables.

Thanks for the tip…had to go into ‘rev views’ under ‘views’ rather than ‘primary views’ to get the columns right. Scrolled down farther than I thought I would have needed.

As @richardpeng notes above…the rownumber as key should be a warning not an error.

I was getting rownumber as key as a hard error that was preventing the app from working on and off yesterday when I worked on the foundation template. I have no idea what fixed it other than regenerating the table structures a few times.

We could fix this if there were a key row in the Tiller transactions list that was applied to any transactions. The CSV importer doesn’t appear to assign a unique key to added transactions, and I guess that would be the case for manual transactions either. Perhaps that needs to be a feature request - adding Tiller transaction IDs to manual and CSV imported transactions.

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So, I ended up creating a separate spreadsheet which I called “Appsheet Feed” in my Google drive. I used the IMPORTRANGE function to pull in the info I wanted from the Foundation Template’s Monthly Budget Sheet, which was cells (A14:H200). That got me the real info I needed and bypassed the top of that sheet which tripped up the Appsheet table generation. Also, it allowed me to avoid having another sheet clog up my Tiller Template.

Since the Foundation Template Budget didn’t use the rollover concept and I wanted a YTD available amount, I also installed the Yearly Budget sheet from Tiller Labs and ported that into my Appsheet Feed as well. Then I setup a virtual column in Appsheet which calculates the YTD available from the YTD Budget and Actual columns. Now when I drill down in a transaction in the phone app’s Budget feature, it shows the monthly budgeted amount, the amount spent, the amount remaining and the YTD amount remaining which is just what I was looking for. Thanks to @richardpeng for a very cool app and all the help!

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I see, so how do you regenerate the table? Is it just the Regenerate Structure button I see? And did you do it for each column, or just the Categories and Accounts columns, since those are generating the errors?

@nikelle.dawn Yes, the regenerate structure button is way to do it. I probably ended up doing it for every table at one point (Categories, Accounts, Transactions, etc.)

If I categorize an uncategorized transaction through Appsheet, it creates a duplicate entry, instead of overwriting the original. Does anyone know a workaround to this? I tried defining the Transaction key with the [Transaction ID] column data instead of _RowNumber but that did not seem to make a difference.

Silly me - I was using the wrong button. In the transactions details, there are two icons. The two sheets of paper icon adds a transaction prepopulated with information from the transaction you are looking at. The pencil and paper icon allows you to edit the transaction you’re looking at. Oops!

@jdees I cleared the rownumber as key error by unselecting that as the key in the Transactions table. Instead, I turned on Transaction ID with Initial Value = UNIQUEID() and that seems to work. This removed all the manually-entered transactions I had imported from Quicken (as it would for items brought in through the CSV importer, as you mention). I used the script RANDALPHA someone wrote to generate a 24-digit lowercase alphanumeric unique ID for the ~900 IDs I needed and pasted those in and that brought everything back into AppSheet. I think you could put any number in the Transaction ID field so as long as it was not NULL, but generating a unique ID seemed way nerdlier and awesome.

This might work better since you are in a separate tab already. I couldn’t find any documentation that assigning a key to manual transactions in the official tiller tab would confuse something or other on the Tiller side.

At some point I will probably try to pull in to a separate sheet as that seems much more robust than relying on the formatted results.

Also putting the structured data in explicit tabs rather than hiding to the right in the monthly budget would be a good way to improve the structure of the tiller foundation sheet.

has anyone found a modern version of this which will work with the new Tiller Savings Budget, since the Tiller Budget Template is obsolete?

I would love it if someone could help me with adapting this to the Savings Budget or the Foundation Template. I tried to adapt it but I am not adept enough with AppSheet.

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