Hi there - looking for some support with the Monthly Analysis template (sorry if I missed these answers elsewhere - I did search).
I want to choose a shorter timeframe than a year (2nd half of 2024, for example). Is there a way to do that easily via editing the dropdown? It seemed a bit more complicated than I expected.
Is there an “average” of each category that I’m missing somewhere? I imagine I can easily add it to an end column once I have the timeframe question answered.
Not easily. The dropdown chooses either that pre-programmed ‘last 12 months’ or one of the years between your oldest and newest transaction years.
The report is designed to fill in 12 months worth of stuff for any of those dropdown options.
What are you trying to accomplish with the shorter timeframe? Just less columns to look at for easier visuals? Or 6 month averages? (Or something else )
I tried inserting a column after 6 months, and putting an AVERAGE formula in it. Seemed to work OK.