Monthly Budget "Available" Column Formula Error?

I appear to be having an issue where the Budget column is subtracting the Actual column, rather than vice versa. So in a month with 134.70 budgeted, and the expected 134.70 was spent, the Available column is showing -269.40 (rather than 0). Looks like

Budged: 134.70 | Actual: -134.70 | Available: -269.40

I have double checked whether the value of the expenditure was put in as a positive rather than negative number, and it is correctly entered.

Any help is much appreciated, thanks!

hmmm, the ACTUAL column should be positive values.

Here’s a sample data example:
Monthly Budget sheet:

Transactions sheet:

Categories sheet:

Ah, I think I’ve got it - did you create another Type on the Categories sheet?

Per the note in Categories sheet, cell C1, only Income, Expense, and Transfer types are supported.

Three category types are supported: income, expense, and transfer. By default, Transfer categories are hidden from the Budget sheet.

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Ohh, yes I did create a category, “Ignore.” I did so because some expenses for my business hit my personal account, and get reimbursed

Should I just delete that Category?

Well, I’m referring to the Categories sheet Type column. That should be one of these:

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Yes, you’re right! I created a Category Type, “Ignore.” To fix everything, should I take that out, and change everything that isn’t an Expense or Income to “Transfer?”

Yes, exactly :slight_smile:

You could instead set the Hide From Reports column to Hide for a reimbursement Category to, well, hide that category from reports. Type Transfer is hidden from reports automatically and so that’s an option, too.