Order of the accounts keep changing in the Balances tab

The cell that my account balances show up in the Balance tab keep changing their order. I have that ‘balance’ cell linked to another spreadsheet (via “= point to cell” formula) to keep track of my upcoming payments, and I have to update the cell almost every time. It now points to the cell below or above it. Very frustrating.

Is there a way to make those cells in the Balance tab to be stationary; or conversely, a formula that will always point to my “Main Checking” balance, rather than just the cell of the Main Checking?

Do you have the Accounts tab filled out?

Yes I do, and they’re in groups.

Check out this post to change the Balances sheet sort order:


Great, thank you! I will do that.

THANK YOU! Changed it without problem, now should work great.

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If you want to keep them ordered by balance or anything else, you can dynamically choose the correct cell with some formulas I posted here.


this is nice. I reference some of the balance cells directly and haven’t run into them moving around but I’m glad to know there are solutions for that

Glad this helped @kssjd5 . Thanks everyone!

I’ve had this exact problem, and this solves it for me. Thank you!