Passive Income designation (and guide to modifying current sheets)

Here’s the background… I have a dashboard tab from my prior 5 years plus of handmade, hand-entered data. This dashboard’s bottom half is perfectly analogous to the Balances tab (Assets on the left, Liabilities on the right). I want to add higher level income and expense information above the net worth section from Balances.

Are there instructions on building your own tab? Or on expanding an existing tab?

Also, and primary to this, is there a way to designate income as passive versus active? A key part of my dashboard is an indicator of how much passive income is covering expenses for a given period (month, year). I’m guessing this could be done via Categories, but I’m wondering if others have tackled the active versus passive income tracking.


Without seeing your current dashboard, it is hard to know. Look at the Business Dashboard and Insights sheets over in Tilller Labs and see if those work for you.

You can do your active/passive idea with SubCategories which will require some programming that you will have to do yourself.


What do you think about using Category tags?

A look at the Business Dashboard tells me that it could have pieces I want. It is incompatible with the Categories tab I’m using to get Monthly Analysis and Budgeting. Are you aware of a way to make them play nicely together?

On a side note, in the Categories tab with budget columns, where does the “code” live that populates the amounts for each month when, for example, you put a value in Jan 21?

  1. I am not a big fan of tags.
  2. Seems like it would require adjustments which is hard to know without seeing your sheet.
  3. Much of the code that makes things work exists in hidden columns on the right side of the sheet.


Here is a mockup of what I’m hoping to build. It is similar enough to what I currently using that it will work if I/we can put it together so it can withstand new categories, changes in category groups, new accounts, etc.

The bottom section is the Balances tab. The upper left section should come from automation. I’m using Foundation with Monthly and Yearly Budgets. The upper right section could be mostly open for the user to do with as they will. Maybe a chart for some. For me it is a set of high level aggregates and ratios that I want to see at-a-glance.

I anticipate that an addition column of figures for Income and Expense could provide space for budgeted and actual together or we could use a selector a la “values to show” on Monthly Analysis. Anticipate having a Month / Year and Year selector 2019, 2020, 2021, etc.

Ideally I’ll figure out a way through Categories or some such to split active income from passive income. Also, ideally, I’d like to include a net figure for real estate properties so that expenses really reflects my household only. Expenses is likely just grouped by category group.

Thoughts? Ideas on how to proceed?

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Great ideas. Following this thread, as I was looking to set up something very similar (for tracking real estate, multiple properties) and got stuck

@Blake @jono et al.

I have this wired up and working. I extended the hidden area of Monthly Analysis to perform the rollups of properties/investments with budget and actual data. The current version shows in Income and Expense whatever data you are presenting on Monthly Analysis.

I happy with the results, but the spreadsheet is slow. Any expertise on improving performance? My work certainly added more function calls.

I will defer to Jon, but you may need to off load some of that 5 years of data you brought in. Not sure what is showing in your balance history, but you might clean that up. This is an issue I have been bringing up here forever and not really getting any satisfaction. Cheers.

The five years of data seems to be the key issue. I may try to modify all references to Transactions to use a named range. I can then toggle to history when needed. Or maybe I’ve done enough and it’s good to go.

Thanks for your insights!

@ken.barker ,
Here’s a community post on speeding up your Google Sheets, in case you haven’t seen it:

One of the suggestions there is to use the Size My Sheet add-on to find the biggest sheet and see how many cells you are using. There might be some empty columns and rows you can remove.

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