🏆 Paycheck Register - Google Sheets

Another week… another great share by @jpfieber!

Paycheck Register is an innovative and intuitive workflow. I really like how it it connects the dots of prefunding your expenses in a very tangible way. Many conceptually-similar workflows adopt a “use last month’s income to pay for this month’s expenses” approach that can feel (to me) forced and clunky.

Your approach of finding the paycheck in the Transactions sheet and then using that amount as a starting balance for a checking-register-like one-month tally, with funds running down over the course of the month, is intuitive and tangible.

Probably because I initially skipped over the instructions, I had a few false starts during setup but I eventually got it working. One thing that could help run the concept to ground is cutting off the register at the next paycheck— it seemed to run out to the end of the next month for me.

The Tiller Builder Rewards Program is excited to award you $250 for this very-cool new community template.


P.S. Sorry for the delay in reviewing your new share, @jpfieber.