Problems adding bank accounts

What is the solution to updating the bank account when it’s not doing so automatically?
Is it much better for the account to be automated than done manually?

Hi, @altonbal,

The processes work the same, regardless of whether the account is updated automatically or manually. You can find step-by-step instructions here, including how to remove the manual balances once the feed resumes: Institution Data Feed Outage - Add as Manual Account?


You can use the account Refresh button on the Tiller Console to update the account if the Last Refresh date is older. The accounts will refresh automatically on a random schedule from Yodlee and the banking institution, but there is no problem with you doing a Refresh yourself if you are looking for more current data.

I usually start by visiting the Tiller Console and doing a Refresh for any account that is more than 24 hours old. Then I use Tiller Money Feeds to Fill Sheets and work with the newly imported data.

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Thanks, Martha. I misinterpreted the question. I thought it concerned a problem with the feed from the bank.

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