Quarterly Expense Summary

I am wondering if anyone has created a quarterly expense summary sheet? I am retired and while it is helpful to look at monthly expenses, it is easier to see trends based on quarterly summaries as there are some months where things are higher or lower for certain reasons. I used the spending trends sheet to look at the last quarter and then manually pulled the totals for each category into another spread sheet. I want to do this every quarter and compare each quarter. It would be great if there was a sheet that could do this automatically or more efficiently. I think this is very helpful especially for retirees. Interested in any thoughts. Also, apologies if this was discussed somewhere, I have been trying to look around for answers but not sure I am doing that correctly or efficiently.

Hi @jennings.lynne I am yet to see such a solution but in the meantime perhaps you can implement the formula below in a new sheet where you copy your list of categories (in my example from cell A2) and enter start dates for your quarters from cell B1 to the right.


Transactions!$E$2:$E - Amount column on the Transactions sheet
Transactions!$D$2:$D - Category column on the Transactions sheet
$A2 - category cell in the new sheet
Transactions!$B$2:$B - Date column on the Transactions sheet
B$1 - quarter start date cell in the new sheet
C$1 - quarter end date cell in the new sheet

Enter and modify the formula accordingly in cell B2 then drag it across the rows and down the columns. Hope it’s a good starting point!

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This sheet lets you select time periods to compare.