We have numerous categories that go into negative but we roll these forward, essentially borrowing from ourselves/our future.
Every month we have a total negative “available” at the end of the month, which becomes the opening negative “rollover” the following month.
Fairly standard I think, and it’s been working no problem.
However, going from December 2019 to January 2020 a Rollover Adjustment crept in, which I don’t understand.
We ended December 2019 with a -33,000 (not US $!!) available. I expected 2020 to start with a -33,000 rollover, but instead Tiller shows a -93,000 rollover, with a message saying there is 60,000 of unfavourable Rollover Adjustment.
How do I get rid of this discrepancy? Why did it suddenly appear when other months were fine?
p.s. Every category has a “Rollover To” category assigned, and i’ve tried “Analyze Budgets History”.
Can you please double check the section here in the guide to see if any of this sheds light on why it might be appearing? Unbalanced transfer? Uncategorized transacitons?
I found 1 uncategorised transaction in November. Now categorised.
In December there is a non-zero net transfer error. It says 7 transfer transactions. However, when I filter for transfer transactions in December in the Transactions tab I get this:
Sorry for my delay here. I’m just getting caught up on my unreads
One thing would be to check for filters to make sure there aren’t any hidden transfers at all in your sheet or uncategorized transactions. Otherwise, there could be a category in a previous month that didn’t have a Rollover To applied.
I also see you’re not using USD. Not sure if that affects things, but the template only officially supports USD. You might change it back to USD and see if that helps.
Chiming in here to say I’m also having this issue (or something very similar). I have rollover adjustments popping up that I absolutely cannot explain.
Things I’ve checked (for the current and previous periods):
My Income budget matches my Expense budget
All my income is budgeted for (Income budget matches Income actuals)
I have no filters active on the Transactions tab, and none of my categories are set to Hide
There are Rollover Tos listed for all categories on the Budgets History tab
All transactions are categorized
Transfers balance to $0.00
I tried clearing out the Rollover Adjustment column in Budgets History and running Analyze Budgets, just to make sure something wasn’t stuck, but these weird rollover adjustments just repopulated.