Reconciling a split transaction that contains a credit

I am trying to reconcile my credit card statement. I have a split transaction that includes a credit amount. It causes the reconciliation on the Statements tab to be off by the credit amount in both the net deposit and net withdrawal columns.

for example, “Vendor” charged me $100 for Job A but when finished, Job A only cost $90. So when “Vendor” charged me for Job B, which cost $140, they applied a credit of $10 for Job A before charging my credit card and only charged me $130. For the transaction of $130, I created a split transaction of -$140 charged to Job B and $10 to Job A. When I reconcile the credit card statement, it does not show “Match” in the both the net deposit and net withdrawal columns - both columns are off in the amount of the credit of $10.

I need to account for the credit some how - how do I reconcile it?

@randy - it was suggested I ask you if you had an answer?

Grace & peace,

Hey @susie.campbell,

Unfortunately the Tiller Community Solutions Add-on version of the split and reconcile workflows are not designed to work well with reconciling already-split transactions. (Transaction matching for reconciliation is a lot more complicated when the transactions are split into component parts. :crazy_face:)

With the current tools, I would recommend splitting transactions after they are reconciled.

As for the specific transaction causing you headaches now, I’d just reconcile that manually. Just delete the manually-entered one and port any relevant details into the feeds transaction (this is essentially all the reconcile workflow does).

Going forward, we are thinking on what a production manual-transaction/reconciliation workflow could look like if it were within the Tiller Money Feeds add-on. I’ll suggest to product-manager @heather that we consider making these two tools play better together.



Thank you so much for the response. I’m not sure I follow all of it - but I accept it will not work. I have a couple of follow-up questions to try and understand better.

  1. If I reconcile before I split the transaction, once I split it the way I did, won’t it again be off on the statements tab?

  2. “I’d just reconcile that manually. Just delete the manually-entered one and port any relevant details into the feeds transaction (this is essentially all the reconcile workflow does).” I’m not sure I understand what you mean? Delete the manually-entered what? The transaction was a feeds transaction that I split.

I think I may be using the term reconcile differently. I don’t enter transactions manually and then “reconcile” to the feed. That’s not what I mean by reconcile, and I don’t know a better word to use? I let the feeds enter my transactions. Often those transaction need to be split. When I try to “reconcile” to the bank statement so it says match on both sides in the statements tab, that’s where I’m running into a problem - when I have a credit in my split.