Remove specific account connected

I have accidentally connected an account for chase, anyone know how to remove. Ie with others i just need to use the edit credential feature and can select/unselected account, but not the case with chase. I tried just deleting it. but when i had to refresh recently it still showed up as selected.
do i need to go to chase and revoke the 3rd party access to be able to reselect?

Yes, I would try to revoke the 3rd party access at Chase first. Then when resetting it up, watch for a box that says something like “all accounts and future accounts”. You would want that unchecked and then selectively choose which accounts you want Tiller to be able to access.

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Ok, so the list for allowed accounts is it in the linked apps section of chase itself, in edit sharing section. vs on tiller’s yodlee’s popup.
So thankfully didn’t need to terminate the link and re-link

@ctlee - Is your issue resolved?

Yes it has been resolved

Glad to hear it! Thanks for the update.