🤔 "Rollover Adjustment" in the new Savings Budget

Thanks Aronos!

Quick question, how do you use the rollover for income and how do you make adjustments to it? (Budget vs savings adjustments) I would like to hear how any of you make income adjustments regardless of how you use the savings budget!

I’m trying to do more of a zero-based/envelope system. I don’t want my end of month adjustments to erase my bad spending habits or affect budget history.

I just tried using a new workflow, where I don’t adjust the savings and budget for the current month, but I adjust savings in the following month based off of the savings carried from previous month’s. This makes it so I can see the negative available balances when I look at the previous month. The envelopes start out as zero before adding the current months budgets.

But I’m not settled on what to with income adjustments. I was just subtracting the positive savings values from savings; however, when I have unbuffered income, I realized that I can budget for it in the next month, which reduces the available to zero, and helps fix my budget health.

Does that make sense to any of you? I know I could have explained this further and more clearly.

@randy @matt @matta