Savings Budget Update

When I try to update my savings budget, I get an error message and it won’t update. Any suggestions?

It would help a lot if you could say what the error you’re getting is?


TypeError: Cannot find function to Fixed in object

Are you trying to update directly in the cells of the Savings Budget? All modifications to either the Savings or the Budget columns in the Savings Budget sheet have to be made through the Adjust +/- column. If you try to adjust directly in the cells, it won’t work. I don’t know if that’s the error you get if you try (and not really inclined to experiment to find out), but this is a common issue with people getting used to working with the Savings Budget sheet.

It looks like this error is coming from the script invoked when you update the savings budget from the Tiller Money Feeds sidebar. Specifically, it is saying (to paraphrase) that the toFixed() function was being used and it was receiving a non-numerical value when it requires a numerical value. But I don’t have a clue how Tiller wrote the code for that script, so I’m only guessing.
I think in the Savings Budget you need to be sure that you are entering only numbers in the adj± column.

You have to use a “+” or “-” with the adjustments. Correct?

Yes, I’m doing it in the Adjust +/- column.

You don’t have to use the + sign as it assumes it’s positive if it is not there. But you do need a - sign if you want to subtract $ from the budget.
Does the error occur if for both “Savings” adjustments and “Budget” Adjustments?

I tried to recreate your error by entering various data and trying to update. It worked fine every time.
It’s very easy to mess up a sheet by accidentally clearing a cell. I’ve done it many times. I wish sheets had the same cell locking features that Excel has. But I digress. If your savings budget sheet has become corrupted (which may or may not be the case), you could try restoring the savings budget sheet. This will not affect any of your data, but will refresh the budget savings sheet only. Doing that would eliminate the savings budget sheet itself as the problem (if the error still occurs) If you’ve made any modifications to the Savings Budget sheet, they will be lost after the restore.
Launch Tiller Community Solutions sidebar. Click on “Manage”.
Under “Savings Budget”, choose “Restore Sheet”.
Be sure to select “Archive Existing Then Restore” (in case the process you need it).
Once restored, you need to reset the parameters to what they were (month, year, sort by, Adjust±).
Try another budget adjustment and see if the problem goes away - or not.
Restoring the sheet will at least let you know if the sheet calculations are corrupted or not.
Again, be sure you save a copy of your sheet so you can go back to it in case of “restore” problems. I spent 30 years in I/T and know that any restore process can head south !!!

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I restored the savings budget!
Question: Can I add an amount of money in a category that I am not funding in my budget? I have a category for my daughter’s wedding. I am not saving anymore for it because I had already saved my target amount before I started my tiller budget. I don’t see that figure reflected in the available amount. Any suggestions?

I’m not sure if I’m understanding your question properly, @kimberleync. I think you are asking if you can transfer savings from one budget category to another even if there isn’t a budget for one of the categories.

You can think of the categories as mini purpose-specific bank accounts with their own balances, and freely move money into and out of them whether there is a budget or not. The important thing though is to make sure that you are pulling that transferred savings from another category (i.e. two transfers that net to zero)… otherwise the savings budget will lose its integrity.

You understand me correctly. Thanks Randy!

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@kimberleync Were you able to figure out how to make the transfer between two categories? This link might be helpful.