Setting up Tiller Sheets for a New Year

So, I was using Tiller a year ago around this time, however, the new Tiller Foundation Template is something different to me. I see it somehow auto-magically created “ARCHIVED Insights” and “ARCHIVED Yearly Insights”. However, when I view the Categories sheet, it shows 2019 in the dates…which feeds to the Yearly Insights and Monthly Budget.

Do I just manually change all those date fields in the Categories Sheet or is there something I need to run that would clear everything out and set for a full year of 2020 dates?

NOTE: I don’t mind tinkering and testing things, however, last time I did this I ended up spending WAY TOO MUCH TIME starting over with a fresh sheet and redoing everything. Figured I would at least ask first.


I found the answer in another thread : Switching to 2020 Budgeting

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