Shopify Integration

Welcome @hohnjg :wave:

Our data provider doesn’t have an integration with Shopify so there are limited options for automating it.

Are these just transactions for sales (e.g. inflows/income) or are you needing more detail related to inventory, etc?

If it’s just the transaction details you’re looking for that follow the same data pattern as the Transactions sheet, I’d recommend checking out a few community automation workflows:

The Tiller Community Solutions add-on Basic Bank CSV

Build a workflow for your bank’s CSV format. You can also record a macro to easily re-format your bank’s CSV format for use with this basic bank CSV.

Simple CSV Import

There are more steps to setting this one up, and it will require you to add a custom bound script to your spreadsheet, but it is by far the most flexible option for more easily creating a re-usable mapping for various bank CSVs.

CSV Spreadsheet Importer Multi-tool

No scripts required. This in-sheet option transforms your data in the spreadsheet and gives you some options for making sure you don’t import transactions a second time.

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