Simple Account Reconciliations


Yes, that does make sense. I’ll see what I can come up with error checking when those fields are not being present in the Transactions sheet.

Thanks for helping me track it down.


Thank you Martha for doing the hard part!


I used your Statements and Statement Details sheets as the starting point for my Reconciliations and Account Registers sheets.

@ehorlbeck had challenges implementing my sheets and we tracked it down to his Transaction sheet did not have the Note or Tags columns.

I am not a spreadsheet expert. My idea to work around those two potentially missing columns is to map those references to the empty Col A in Transactions instead. Is there a different/easier way to do that? Is it safe to assume that Col A is empty?

Thanks for any insight you are able to provide.


Hi - I want to reconcile my accounts and show an “r” column, but I think these instructions are old and not sure they still apply (column names different, etc). Once I add a column R, what logic do I use in that column? Or is there a newer transactions tab I need to replace my transactions tab with? What is column G mentioned above? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Hi, I am the person who created this several years ago. I did not even realize it was still out there and accessible to anyone, as I did not update anything when the newer Community solutions area was started.

Saying that, it is still working for me in my sheet today. Your existing Transactions sheet is fine. My solution assumes that you have added three columns named R, Note and Tags. I did not follow through with any changes about trying to accommodate the missing Note and Tags columns that are referenced in this string. If you are not using Note and/or Tags, just add them to your Transaction sheet anywhere.

The Column “G” that you asked about is the account beginning balance if it was not $0. There are hidden columns that help the calculations flow, so you should be careful if you are deleting rows within the sheet. It’s probably best to open up the hidden columns while you are first working with the sheet.

I hope this helps a little bit. Let me know if you have any other questions and I will try to answer them.

Thanks for replying. I’ll give it a shot. Thanks.

Judy Finkelstein