Size of foundation sheet

Hi, my Foundation Template is at around 5400 rows currently which is well within size limits but would it make sense to trim it by year if that is how i do my accounting? So for example, i would copy all 2021 transactions to a 2021 sheet which i would make inactive?

Is there any benefit to having multiple years in a foundation template?

Are there any negatives in having multiple years in a foundation template?

Is there any benefit to having multiple years in a foundation template?

Yes, the ability to track year-on-year trends and expenses… if that is useful to you.

Are there any negatives in having multiple years in a foundation template?

Yes, possibly performance and spreadsheet hygiene, but your transaction count doesn’t sound like a huge problem.

If you want to archive 2021, I would:

  • Make a copy of your spreadsheet
  • Make/rename the copy your 2021 archive (make the original your 2022 sheet since it is linked with TMF)
  • In your original/2022 spreadsheet, delete transactions and balances from 2021 in the Transactions and Balance History sheets respectively
  • Update your budgets to run for 2022 in your Categories sheet
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