Tax Forecaster - Excel

Hello Superhero Team!

I am an Excel user and have built an extensive file utilizing my own forecasting sheets and incorporated the Tiller Foundation and some of the community solution sheets. I noticed the Google sheet for Estimated taxes; however, I am looking for a tax forecasting including Schedule A, B, C, and E). It is not an easy task, but I have started by adding the tax schedules to the transaction Tag column and creating some pivot tables. My preference would be an interactive dashboard. Is something like this in the works?
Thanks for all you do!

I haven’t had a reason to go beyond the standard deduction, so tax forecasting hasn’t really been of interest to me (and it looks to be verrrrry complex). I Googled around and found this incredible resource:
Federal Income Tax Spreadsheet Form 1040 (Excel Spreadsheet) Income Tax Calculator (
It doesn’t tie into your Tiller data, but maybe it gets you closer to what you’re looking for. And it’s free!

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I wanted to be able to forecast my personal income statement and balance sheet so I programmed the all the tax forms that I use in turbo tax into Excel. It covers the major income categories and many of the tax schedules.

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That is a big undertaking. Congratulations!

Thank you. For the link.
Any chance you could educate me about the Excel version of this google formula from the Quarterly Tax Google Sheet?

=iferror(text(lookup(today(),{0,F19:I19},F19:I19),“mmm d, yyyy”))

Thank you!

I am fine sharing it. I just could be a little complicated since it references income and expensive items.

Let me see if there is interest in this.

Looks like that command is estimating when your next payment is due by taking todays date, and then looking in the range F19-I19 to see which of the entries there, when interpreted as a date, is next after todays date. It appears that Jan 17, 2023 is next, since we’re past Sep 15, 2022.

Yes, I would like to see the Excel version of it, please.

Thank you.