Tiller Console not showing connection problems?

I’ve only been using Tiller for a week or so, so maybe I’m missing something, but I noticed a couple of days ago that I wasn’t getting any new transactions from Fidelity or Etrade. I’ve read that this happens because these connections want the 2FA renewed, or what have you.

This is okay, albeit a bit of an annoyance. Especially since I have like a dozen different Fidelity accounts and don’t want to import them all, so manually selecting each time which accounts I want imported and which ones I don’t, every few days, is a chore.

What I don’t understand, however, is that even when I’m not getting new transactions from Fidelity and/or Etrade due to this issue, Tiller Console shows me that everything seems to be okay. E.g., for Fidelity, it will show something like this:

Fidelity Investments: last refreshed about 12 hours ago

As if everything is going as expected.

Shouldn’t it be telling me that there is a connection problem? Or that I need to re-authenticate with Fidelity? Or something?

Am I missing something that indicates that there’s a problem? Or do I just have to periodically re-authenticate all of my “Connected Accounts”, without any indication of which accounts really need this?

Can you clarify this part? I think there might be some confusion.

Regarding you not seeing data, have you filled your spreadsheet? We aren’t able to pull in pending data, so there can be a slight delay if the transactions aren’t posted yet.

This is interesting, because I haven’t seen any transactions for Fidelity Investments or any of my institutions for 4 days now (including the Hello Money email, which doesn’t depend on Fill).

Most of them are on the Institution Alerts right now, but not Fidelity Investments. Granted, my actual Fidelity accounts hasn’t had new transactions for a few days, until yesterday.

Tiller Console auto-refresh status looks normal/good.

When I “Edit Credentials” for Fidelity, I’m presented with a list of 13 different accounts, with a checkbox to the left of each account. I have to manually select, every time I do this, which accounts I am authorizing to be exported to Tiller. It doesn’t remember which accounts were already authorized, for instance, and pre-select those checkboxes.

Re filling my spreadsheet, yes I do this every day, and I knew that there were transactions at both Fidelity and Etrade that hadn’t been pulled yet into my Transactions sheet, even though I had just used the Money Feeds Sidebar to fetch new tranactions.

As soon as I reauthorized (using Edit Credentials) at Fidelity and Etrade, the transactions that hadn’t appeared before, now appeared when I used the Tiller Money Feeds Sidebar.

I.e., I used the Tiller Money Feeds Sidebar. It showed no incoming transactions. I reauthorized at Fidelity and now the Tiller Money Feeds Sidebar brought in Fidelity transactions. Lather, rinse, repeat for Etrade.

If I sort by the “Date Added” column, I can see that there are transactions from 1/13 that only came in today. Though I see that all the previously missing transactions at Fidelity are all from a single account, so it may be that there was only a problem with that one account. I do know, however that that account was working at some point, since that account has definitely been being included in my NetWorth.

For Etrade, there were only two incoming transactions, and they are both dated yesterday. So I suppose for those two transactions, it’s possible that I just got “lucky” on the timing.

I just wanted to report back that I have since automatically received transactions from Fidelity Investments without any intervention from me, so it continues to work flawlessly for me. Note that I only have two accounts with Fidelity.

Since Fidelity Investments uses open banking with Tiller, I wouldn’t think 2FA would cause an issue. I do use 2FA with them and I never have to manually refresh, it’s fully automatic and reliable, like all my open banking institutions.

Hmmm, curious. Well, I’ll put it down to a one-time glitch unless it happens again.

As for having to select which accounts to import when doing authentication, I see that the Tiller side panel has an option for me to select which accounts it will process and which ones it won’t. So I think I can just select all the checkboxes during Fidelity authentication, and then filter which ones that are actually processed via the Tiller side panel. That will help, at least a bit, if I end up having to re-authenticate frequently.

Is this really a matter how often the data is refreshed and not a re-authentication thing?

Data gets automatically refreshed every 24 hours or so and not based on institution activity.

If you want refresh to occur more frequently, that’s done manually.
Clicking the Refresh button on the Tiller Console will cause a manual refresh to occur without re-authentication (for Fidelity Investments). And then Fill to transfer into your spreadsheet.

I’m not quite sure what you mean. I manually initiate importing new transactions at least once a day, but a pile of transactions from Fidelity that I knew where there, and had been there for quite some time, would not come in to my Transactions sheet until I manually re-authenticated with Fidelity.

Also, the Console, as I mentioned in my original post, would show that Fidelity had been recently refreshed.

The need to manually reauthenticate is weird. I refresh my Fidelity connection every morning. I have about ten accounts. It is generally a very smooth and stable connection that works like Open Banking is supposed to work (i.e., without any user intervention). You may need to get the advice of customer support on this one. Sorry.

I was just trying to basically say that if, for example, the Console indicated last refreshed 12 hours ago, you can click Refresh so it will indicate last refreshed a couple minutes, or whatever, and that should pull all the available transactions.

Yes, I’ve tried that, to no avail. But the transactions in question were from ten days ago, so if the console was showing that a refresh had happened 12 hours ago, it seems that something was amiss.

@DarkWater are you still seeing a delay in getting your transactions into your sheet?

So far it only happened that once, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it was just a fluke.

Alright! Sounds good.