Tiller Money Labs Roundup 10/16/20 - Rename Category + Menu Shortcuts

Our Tiller Money Labs team is working to keep you efficient, inspired, and enabled with financial templates, tools and workflows. In our Tiller Money Labs Roundups, we keep you updated on our latest features and sheets.

In honor of Spreadsheet Day (Eve), we’ve just published a few Tiller Money Labs improvements!

Rename Category

A month ago, we released a Merge Categories workflow for users of the Savings Budget. I received some great feedback from @aronos about a few bugs.

When I dug into those bugs today, I realized that it wouldn’t be too hard to expand the Merge Categories workflow to include Rename-Category functionality— a feature request dating back to the early days of Tiller Money. I added the workflow this morning.

As with the Merge Categories workflow, the Rename Category workflow:

  • Recategorizes all transactions from source to destination category in the Transactions sheet
  • Renames the category in the Categories sheet
  • Updates AutoCat rules using the source category
  • Reclassifies all savings/budget modifications in the Savings Budget Budget Journal sheet (if present)

The Rename Category workflow should work well for all Tiller-money-spreadsheet users (not just Savings Budget users).

Give it a try and please let me know if there are any surprises… :wink: :bug:

Add-on Menu Shortcuts

Based on some feedback (in this community) about the number of clicks required to get to frequently-used menus & workflows, we have added shortcuts to common menus directly in the Google Sheets Add-on menu.