Our Tiller Money Labs team is working to keep you efficient, inspired, and enabled with financial templates, tools and workflows. In our Tiller Money Labs Roundups, we keep you updated on our latest features and sheets.
Many users found Amazon’s CSV reports coupled with the Tiller Money Labs add-on’s Import CSV Line Items workflow to be a powerful combination for discretely categorizing Amazon purchase line items.
New Feature: Filter by Account
The one bright spot to this update is a new importer feature— the ability to filter imported Amazon line-items based on Account information.
To use this new filter:
- Upload your Amazon order-history CSV as usual
- On the Purchases Available screen, open the spinner on the Filters container
- (Optionally) choose to import or exclude only one account
- Click the Add to Transactions Sheet button as usual
Reporting Changes by Amazon
You might have read in this community that Amazon has discontinued ready-access to CSV order history reports. At this point, the best workaround for fetching your Amazon purchase & return history is a data request to Amazon’s Privacy Central portal.
We have updated the Tiller Money Labs add-on’s Import CSV Line Items rules to accept this new data format.
Amazon Privacy Central Data
Privacy Central files are a step backwards from a workflow efficiency and data accuracy perspective:
- Take 1 to 10 days for Amazon to generate
- Contain less detailed data
- Always contain entire Amazon history (no option to limit date range)
Purchases Importer Updated
The new Retail.OrderHistory.zip
file contains less granular data, cutting down to 25 fields per purchase from 36 in the previous report.
Fields that are no longer available (and were previously captured in the Metadata
column) include:
- Account
- (Line-item) Total
- Seller
With a clean line-item total total no longer available, we must calculate one from four discrete fields as follows:
Total = Quantity * (Price + Price Tax ) + Shipping Charge
At this point, it is not clear how this calculation will line up when coupons, discounts and gift cards are used.
For the most part, the transition to this new data set should be seamless, which is not true for the changes to the refunds importer…
Refunds Importer Updated
The new Retail.OrdersReturned.Payments.zip
is a big step backwards. Where the previous report contained 18 fields per refund, the new report contains just 7.
Most notably, it does not include a description of the item nor information to identify the purchasing account. This means that categorizing imported refunds based on in-sheet data is nearly impossible; you will need to visit your order-history on Amazon’s site to see what was returned.
Fields that are no longer available include:
- Item title/description
- Quantity
- ISBN (unique product identifier)
- Category (hint) information
Making matters worse , the Tiller Money Labs Line-item Importer previously combined three fields (
, isbn
and quantity
) to uniquely identify imported refunds and to prevent them from being reimported. With two of these fields no longer available, the workflow has no way to identify previously-imported refunds. This means, if you are not careful to use date ranges to limit imports, you will end up with duplicate refunds in your sheet.
The workflow is configured to use the new ReversalID
field to uniquely identify future refunds, but this data is not compatible with rows already imported using the old workflow.