hello Tiller Friends
i would like to ask if anyone has developed (VBA or few formulas) a process that summarizes what was downloaded each time we download transactions to the workbook??
i wrote a piece of VBA code that does that. works great. it runs every time i close the workbook and records the date, time, # of transactions downloaded and # of balance history records downloaded
Sub writesyslog()
Dim SysLogWS, TransactionsWS, BalanceHistoryWS As Worksheet
Dim syslogtbl, TransactionsTbl, BalsnceHistoryTbl As ListObject
Dim newRow As ListRow
Dim lastRowIndex As Long
Dim currentDateTime As Date
Set SysLogWS = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(“SysLog”)
Set syslogtbl = SysLogWS.ListObjects(“SysLogTbl”)
Set TransactionsWS = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(“Transactions”)
Set TransactionsTbl = TransactionsWS.ListObjects(“Transactions”)
Set BalanceHistoryWS = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(“Balance History”)
Set BalsnceHistoryTbl = BalanceHistoryWS.ListObjects(“BalanceHistory”)
'get the data
currentDateTime = Now
lastTransRowIndex = TransactionsTbl.ListRows.Count
lastBalanceHistRowIndex = BalsnceHistoryTbl.ListRows.Count
'write the data
Set newRow = syslogtbl.ListRows.Add
newRow.Range(1, 1).Value = Now
newRow.Range(1, 2).Value = lastTransRowIndex
newRow.Range(1, 3).Value = lastBalanceHistRowIndex