Transactions in Chronological Order

The Transactions sheet in the Foundation Template defaults to reverse chronological order. Loading all new transactions up top. All good. That said, I chose to sort it in chronological order.

Why? B/c I have Zapier set up to add a new row in a different sheet every time a new row is created in the Transactions sheet.

My problem: Zapier only registers new rows at the bottom of the sheet, and the zap breaks when the sheet is resorted. And when I manually update my sheet from within the Tiller Money Feeds Add-on, it automatically resorts the sheet to reverse chronological and new transactions are added up top. So it’s a dual problem: resorting + new rows in the wrong place.

How can I disable this quirk?

Any help would be appreciated.

Hi @jack,
I don’t think the auto sorting by reverse chronological order can be disabled.

But, you could create a new sheet that automatically sorts transactions in chronological order and have Zapier run off of that sheet.

In a new sheet, enter this in A1:
=QUERY(Transactions!A:Z,"SELECT * ORDER BY B")

This assumes Column Z is your last column and your Date Column is B.
Adjust Z and B in the formula to match your transactions column letters.

The new sheet will auto sort your Transactions in chronological order.

Let us know if that works for you.


@jack we just released this feature to help with this!

I love it. Thank you!

I’d like to use the method @jono suggested here years ago, the query only shows one row of data…just the headers?

Hi @robertgranholm ,
Scroll down to the bottom of your new sheet. I wonder if your transactions are showing at the bottom because you have blank lines in at the bottom of your transaction sheet. They might show up at the top with that QUERY.

You might need to add a validation to ignore empty rows, such as


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I turned on the auto sort override, but my manual transactions are still sorting to the top. Is there a way to fix this?

Thanks for the response Heather, but this is what I’ve already done.
However, manual transactions still sort to the top.
Does the Auto Sort Override not work for transactions that are entered manually?
I could just type it into the bottom, but I want it to also update the balance on that manual account.

Hi @miyekot I think you’re right the manual transaction insert does not do a sort of the Transactions sheet and just adds them to the top of the Transactions sheet.

You’ll want to manually sort by the date column for now and you can add a Feature Request to have it sort for you.