šŸ† Upcoming Recurring Expense / Account Health Dashboard

Personally, I like keeping the total balance available in my account at a level that can pay for all of my current credit card debt, if need be.
If Iā€™m applying for a line of credit or something, for instance, and want my credit score as high as possible, I want my total credit utilization to be as low as possible.
I also want to make sure that Iā€™m living within my means, and not putting too much of my current expenses on revolving debt. Thatā€™s how you end up in a cycle you cannot get out of.
The Total Pending selection allows me to see how much of that debt I could cover, and how much I would have left. If I select this option and Iā€™m, say, -$163 available, I know that I can pay off most of the CC debt I have, but want to float about $200 or so until I get paid again.

This is all making sense now! It seems that our line of thinking is in sync while also different at the same time. Iā€™m always thinking about the closed credit statement due, and then ā€œadding paychecksā€ toward the next credit cycle in my head to forecast how Iā€™m doing. And Iā€™m not seeing some flaws in my own line of thinking from this. Your method is definitely the safer, more conservative, maybe even more responsible way to think about it. Which is what is so great about this app and community, I feel like Iā€™m constantly learning about financial healthy & responsibility.

Now that I know your way of thinking for the Total Due vs Total Pending, it all makes sense and Iā€™ll easily be able to adopt this method.

This sheet needs a little bit more work, though, to get it to where I want it before releasing. And it is kinda slow to update when you change the View Start Date (a second or two). This is because there are a lot of conditional formatting rules in play. But you should only need to change the date very sparingly, and it will not affect anything outside of that.
When Iā€™m done, this report will have two views: Regular and Credit Card.
The regular view will generate the expenses under the paycheck lanes that their due date is due.
The credit card view will add the expense totals to the credit card statement balances of the cards set as the payment methods, and generate those totals under the lane in which that statement would be due.

This is MY way of thinking for the last part we were just talking about, it seems that youā€™ve just been able to define and organize it. I cannot wait for this sheet to arrive! Please tag me!

Itā€™s now been a few weeks and I feel like Iā€™m just getting comfortable with the all of the sheets and their interactions. Iā€™m just having one slight hiccup with the setup, and thatā€™s with the one time option on recurring expenses.

Iā€™m having an issue with the charges not falling off of the ā€œDue by next Paycheckā€ Chart, and I believe because of this itā€™s ā€œdouble chargingā€ me for these expenses, since theyā€™re on both the upcoming and reporting on my transactions.

Above I have four upcoming expenses in red, all that I have paid, but I believe I only have 2 transactions actually tagged, the Plumber transaction will be updated today.

I want to show you every part to make sure I havenā€™t done anything on my end to cause this, Iā€™ve read through your FAQ and tutorials multiple times to make sure Iā€™m not missing anything.

Here is my ā€˜Recurring Expense Entryā€™ page entries, I believe you stated that One-Time expenses only needed a start date.

I wanted to show this transaction because this one actually did fall off of my upcoming expenses, while the two below have not dropped off yet.

Lastly, I have a screenshot of theā€™ Generated Expenses - Upcomingā€™ tab. I wanted to show this because it seems that the ā€œTm Techniqueā€ was correctly taken off because the 'Paid" column has been populated. While the others have not.

Got any ideas on how I can fix this?


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