🏆 Data Checker Tool

OK! I got it!!! Thank you. Next question. Why can’t a category name be the same as a group name on the categories sheet? I’m getting a Bad Groups because some are the same name.

In general, that can cause issues with reports.

Glad you’ve got it working! :slight_smile:

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I updated the instructions based on your experience to hopefully improve the setup going forward for others. Thanks for the feedback. :+1:

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QQ - Do you know how to build a conditional formatting formula to highlight any cells from the category column that are not from col A of the category sheet?

Give this a try and let me know how it goes. It will also highlight blank Category cells.

=NOT(REGEXMATCH(D2, "^"&TEXTJOIN("$|^", TRUE, INDIRECT("Categories!A2:A"))&"$"))

It assumes the Transactions sheet Category column is D and Categories sheet Category column is A.

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I have added additional conditional formatting instructions to the Setup for each check.

I also made the following refinements to the Data Checker tool formula:
For Bad Groups, now checks Category matches any group name, not just the one on the same row.
Added individual check on/off control in 2nd row parameters.
Some minor formula adjustments.

Sounds useful, but wish this was a “managed solution” rather than all the manual edits that could get messed up or accidentally lost later.

The one formula is all that is really needed. The conditional formatting is more of a visual aide. Thanks for considering it :slight_smile: