Envelope/Rollover Budget Documentation Out of Date

I’m watching “Lesson 3: Keep Track of your extra funds with rollovers” video and the spreadsheet in the video has columns for “rollover” on both the “Category” and “Monthly budget” tabs. Those columns are not there on my spreadsheet. What am I missing? Thanks.

Are you using the Savings Budget? Which video are you referring to (please share the link)?

It told me I’m not allowed to share links?

And yes, I am using the savings budget.

“Lesson 3: Keep Track of your extra funds with rollovers” is the exact title on YouTube.

The video content you found is built to support a slightly different budget. To get up and running on the Savings Budget, you will find everything you need here.

The video you found is for an Envelope Budget that is deprecated.


Thanks Randy! That helps.

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