HELP figuring out how to track expenses and reimb from savings

I will use one category as an example. I send money to an non-tracked savings account each month for pet expense. The amount is 85. I track the transfer as an expense and have budgeted 85 a month in my category sheet. If we have a vet appt in a month, the expenses for the month will be let’s say an additional $100. My monthly budget will show a negative 100. I then transfer money from the non tracked savings account to cover the $100. How would I track that and keep track of what is actually spent versus ‘saved’? Thanks

I think if the transfer out is an ‘expense’ type, then the transfer in needs to be an ‘income’ type.

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I think i would track it manually. Open a manual account called VET. Add the 85 to it every month as a transfer. Then withdraw what you need for the vet as an expense.

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