How to categorize expenses split with someone else?

Hi - I’m hoping for help with tracking the following scenario:

I went on vacation with a friend and we’re splitting expenses.

I bought the following on my Credit Card:

  • Restaurant A $50
  • Restaurant B $50
  • Museum $50
  • Taxi $50

My friend:

  • Hotel room $400

We want to split all expenses equally, but my friend just wants to give him $200 for the balance of what I owe.

How can categorize my expenses as I only want to allot 50% of each, and how would i categorize my $200 payment to him?

thanks in advance!


You spent 200 so your friend owes you 100.
Your friend spent 400 so you owe him 200.
So, net net, you owe him 100.
Pay your friend 100.
When the 100 hits the transactions tab, split it as follows:

Hotel expense for (200).
Restaurant A expense for 25.
Restaurant B expense for 25.
Museum expense for 25.
Taxi expense for 25.

Cheers, Blake.