How to treat tax withholding?


What do you mean by “manually-tracked withholding savings account” - does that mean it’s an account that Tiller can’t automate, but it is an actual savings account you have at a bank, or it’s a “virtual” savings account that you’re tracking manually within Tiller to try and keep this organized?

Are you also recording the transactions for this “manually tracked withholding savings account” in your Transactions sheet or just manually updating the balance?

I’m asking because that will affect your category workflows and how you should set things up to be able to see how much you’ve saved toward taxes and how much you’ve actually paid toward taxes.

Most of the year you likely want to budget for the savings.

If you’re recording both sides of the tax savings transactions this would net to $0, but if you want to see the savings item in your budget (to budget for savings) then you may also want a hidden income category (categories sheet hide from reports column) for the inflow to the savings account.

As long as you always save the amount you budgeted to save on the Yearly Budget sheet in the Foundation template you’ll be able to see how much you’ve saved for taxes.

When it comes time to make the payment you categorize the transfer back to your checking account as a transfer (both sides so you’d need both transactions in the Transactions sheet) and then when the check/withdrawal goes through categorize that as “taxes paid”

That would be my recommendation. As you can see it’s a little complex with so many moving parts.

If you have a simple business and tax situation, you might consider using the Estimate Quarterly Tax sheet to help you keep organized, but there are some caveats so be sure to read about the assumptions and expectations carefully.
