Tiller AI AutoCat

Great to hear - please let me know how it goes.

I’m working on a big update for my mint-like dashboards but then am going to try to package this up a bit nicer so I can roll out updates and installation is a bit easier.

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I’m getting same error.

Thanks for the report, sorry about that!

This is actually a different error – my suspicion is that you have some character in your transaction description that I’m not escaping properly, but I can’t reproduce what it is.

I published an updated gviz.gs here with some additional logging. If you could update your code to that version and send me the same screenshot I should be able to track it down.

I had same error as @jsmartin722 but realized I just needed to pay for chatgpt and now it’s working flawlessly. accurately predicted 2/2 categories.

Let me know how it goes with more than 2 transactions. :wink:

It’s now like 99% accurate for me and my data but would love to pressure test it with other data sets / banks / etc.

If you have examples that don’t work for you I’d love to see the logs if you are willing to share them.

Ok. I’m ready to take the plunge on this, but can I ask a super dumb question: how do I pay for the API key? I went into Open AI. It gave me a secret key, but it never asked me to pay for it and I can’t see anything in the settings that is allowing me to pay for it. I feel like an idiot asking this, but. . .help?

No worries, go here: https://platform.openai.com/account/billing/overview

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For some reason I can’t shake my error. Here’s the full log and I just had two transactions to figure out.

Wow that is so strange – I’ve never seen this before on the 100s of transactions I’ve done, some of which are at least as repetitive as this. I wonder if this is some rate limiting / model protection feature of Open AI that’s triggering (some indication of that in this post here: openAI API Error: prompt issue - Prompting - OpenAI Developer Forum).

A couple of thoughts:
(1) At the very least I can handle this error and retry / mark something as to be categorized or something so some work.

(2) I’d be curious if you tried this on just a single transaction with maybe some more variance (a credit card transaction or the like) and see if you get any different results.

(3) Alternatively, can you try with a larger number (say 10) transactions that are more different (including these two) and see if it gets out of this state.

Will poke around on the Open AI forums and work on a fix to try to work around this, but would be curious to hear any learnings from 2 & 3. Thanks for your help!

Could it also have anything to do with the number of categories?

Perhaps, do you have a lot of similarly named categories? I have like 97 categories, but they are pretty differently named.

I deleted tons of categories but it still gave me the error message.

@cps amazing work! One thing that I tweaked was the fact that I use tags as well. I also added my tags and Account as part of the prompt for chatgpt to recommend categories and that helped with some esoteric categorization things I was doing before. All in all really well done.

Glad to hear it’s working well for you. I’d love to see what changes you made – could you submit a PR on github?

sure, submitted a pull request for you to see the modifications i made. thanks - curious to know what you think about them.

Thanks will check it out!

any recomendation if I am getting this error message: Exception: Argument cannot be null: findText

here is the log with the error at teh end

Sorry this is an error case that isn’t handled very well, but currently the code requires a transaction ID for every transaction. You can just make up a unique one if you want it to autocategorize transactions you’ve imported.

@cps I think I followed the steps to get this all set up. Got all the code copied in, updated with my personal API key from Open AI. Updated the fallback category.

I run it from the menu and it says finished running, but nothing changes. I’ve got several hundred transactions categorized already for it to read from. I have Full Description column. I tried clearing the description column like in your demo video but that didn’t help.

What am I doing wrong?